For many companies, software represents a significant portion of overhead. And if you aren’t managing your software effectively, you risk losing time, productivity, and a sizable chunk of your bottom line—not to mention potential legal troubles if you are misusing software licenses. But with the proper software asset management (SAM) strategy in place, you’ll have nothing to worry about.

SAM involves buying, deploying, maintaining, updating, and replacing software for your company. Because the world of IT changes so quickly, it’s important to make sure your SAM strategy is up-to-date and optimized for the needs of your organization. Putting together a tactical SAM strategy that’s tailored to the needs of your business should have several organizational goals, outlined below.

  • Compliance with all terms associated with the software contract
  • Streamlined efficiency through use of the latest and greatest software options coupled with employee training
  • Standardization of the software purchasing, deployment, maintenance, and retirement phases
  • Reduction of costs associated with software and support through optimized contract agreements and by elimination of outdated/underutilized software
  • Reduction of costs associated with internal management and support of software

SAM is particularly important for enterprise-level organizations, as these companies often use dozens of different applications and products, each with different updates, terms of use, and license expirations. But a finely tuned SAM strategy is important for mid-sized and small businesses as well: Since companies of all sizes across the country are regularly targeted for software audits, they may be required to open their records for inspection. And regardless of the size of your company, you’ll probably face legal action and significant fines if you’re using software improperly.

In addition to potential legal costs and loss of productivity, a violation of your software agreement can also cause your organization’s reputation to take a hit. Violations found after an audit, even if unintentional, can adversely affect how both the public and clients see your business.

So don’t take the risk—integrating a smart SAM strategy can be the difference between success and failure in the competitive business world. If you’re looking for a new SAM strategy, or are interested in optimizing the strategy you already have in place, we’d love to help. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!